ROS - Android examples in Kinetic

Hi all

Anyone know whether any simple android application example code available,
which are compatible with ROS Kinetic and can build using latest Android studio.?

Lentin Joseph

Hi Josepth,

I don’t think there is anything rosjava working for Kinetic at the moment, and building with the current version of Android Studio requires that you be very careful to use an old version of Gradle and the Android Gradle plug-in.

It so happens though that I am very interested in initiating a push to get rosjava released for Kinetic, as soon as I can get Daniel or anyone else who knows better to give us some hints on what would be the work involved.

If you or anyone else is interested in contributing to make this happen that would be great, it would allow this to be on everyone’s hands faster.


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Hi Julian

What I feel is ROS - Android interface is very useful for robots which are running android OS.

I would like to contribute something on this project to make the project great again.

Please let me know how i can do any contribution, i am good in ROS but not very good in android programming.

I also want to know whether, i can develop app in ROS - Indigo and work with ROS Kinetic. I have seen some apps in google playstore which is even work in kinetic.

Also, i would like to say, i have build android core in Kinetic successfully, but i am not able install APK because its showing parser error.

I will try it on Indigo and i hope it will work fine in Indigo.

Lentin Joseph

That is great to hear! I also feel the same way you do: ROS Android is very important and needs to be made better / updated / more accessible.

I will make it a point to post any migration progress here so that you or anyone else who wants to contribute can take part if you want.

Also, any information you find with your experiments (what works, what is currently failing and how) will be useful so please feel free to post here. Even questions and requests for help are useful.


Hi Julian

I could fix the parse error using APK editor. The basic issue was, the default android target version was 10 on android_core packages. If we change into 20 or higher, it will work smoothly.

We can do this using APK editor app.

We don’t need this app, if we change the target sdk in android_core settting and build.

Thanks for your comments, Keep in touch
Lentin Joseph