Rosjava available for Kinetic Kame

Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know that with the guidance of the great Daniel Stonier, I’ve taken the time to do a pass through all the oficial rosjava and android_ repos to make them available in kinetic.

This includes, roughly:

  • Update all packages to version 0.3.x
  • Update Android build tools (i.e.: Gradle and plug-ins) to a closer to latest version
  • Release new versions of 0.3.x packages to the rosjava maven repo
  • Release rosjava packages as debian in the kinetic rosdistro (they should be available in the public apt repo on the next kinetic sync)
  • Updated the most salient wiki entry points to work with kinetic

There are still things to do, such as testing and incorporating many great contributions people have shared but haven’t been merged, updating more of the wiki / documentation pages that haven’t been updated yet and working on key additions. Hopefully that will continue to happen over time.

I encourage you to try this out and report (or help fix!) any important missing documentation on code nits found.

Looking forward to any comments. I hope you will find this useful.



That’s great, thanks for the effort. I’ll try to update my app from Indigo to Kinetic.

Great effort: :+1:: appreciated :slight_smile:

Great work Julian. Nice Xmas cerci for those who waited for this.

Hi Julian,

Thanks for the post. Do you, or anybody else know when rosjava kinetic will be support will be added for ARM64 ?


Hi Kevin,
Rosjava itself is platform independent. What exactly do you mean when you say “rosjava support for ARM64”?