June Quality Assurance Working Group Meeting

Hi All!

Here is the preliminary schedule for next week’s quality working group meeting. It should be a really good talk. I am also open to extending the meeting if anyone has other issues they would like to address. If you have an agenda item to add please put it in the comments below.



Prof. Niel Ernst: Software Quality and Compositional Design

In this talk I share some work my collaborators and I have done looking at ensuring software quality in compositional software designs, which characterizes ROS. I begin with an overview of earlier work we did analyzing ROS from a component scorecard point of view. I then present some design analysis approaches we have used to assess technical debt in software systems. I conclude with a short overview of where the interesting practical problems are located, from my researcher’s point of view.

Prof. Neil Ernst is a tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Victoria. He studies the intersection of software architecture and requirements. He leverages past experience consulting with large government stakeholders, and empirical datasets on software development and analysis. Current projects include software composition, technical debt in scientific software, and engineering data science systems.

Conference Call Details:


+1 617-675-4444‬ PIN: ‪456 561 685 9668‬#


Apologies if this is FAQ, but I can’t find relevant info.

Can we get a link to recording if any?

I actually participated this call but then got distracted by kids and missed the most part…But I was very interested in topic, and wanted to ask if there’s a future plan particularly to expand and apply the research output to the opensource software toolset for assessing the software quality (I assumed some metrics were captured by proprietary tools). At minimum, I’d like to review the session if possible.

Unfortunately I used the wrong audio input when I recorded. While I have video there is no audio.

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I would like to join the group
What shall I do?

This may be a bit unsatisfying but the short answer is start showing up to meetings. :wink: