Learn rosserial with Arduino with video illustrations


I am happy to to announce that I have added a brand new section on rosserial to my Udemy course:
ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion, and OpenCV


rosserial is a communication protocol develop in ROS for allowing integration of new hardware like Arduino and other embedded system to ROS ecosystem.

The section contains 11 lectures for a duration of around 1 hour.

It presents general overviews about rosserial and Arduino and then provides many illustrations on how to setup the environment and how to develop rosserial applications for Arduino boards. Three rosserial applications were demonstrated: (1) hello world ROS publisher, (2) blink ROS subscriber to turn on/off the led of the board, (3) ultrasonic range sensor.

To learn about rosserial with Arduino, you can enroll to my course

You can watch a sample video on YouTube
