Learning ROS and ROS 2 in the context of automated and connected driving - free MOOC starting on October 17, 2023

The next run of our MOOC “Automated and Connected Driving Challenges (ACDC)” is starting on October 17 :bulb: Enroll now on edX.org. More than a thousand learners have enrolled already.

We aim to provide the most comprehensive, free and open-source programming course on automated driving available worldwide :earth_africa: I am happy to teach this course again on edX and at RWTH Aachen University.

In addition to the already available materials of previous years, we have added a whole new topic “Vehicle Localization” to the course. On top of that, we have moved even more content from ROS to ROS 2.

We recommend the course to anyone who wants to get started in the field of automated and connected driving. You will get to know major topics such as sensor data processing and perception, object fusion and tracking, vehicle guidance, and connected driving. Moreover, we introduce learners to essential tools such as the Robot Operating System, TensorFlow, Linux, Docker, Python, C++ and more.

Find us on GitHub here:

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