Low Cost ROS supported Cameras

Hi Guys,

I wish to know what are the low cost cameras which supports ROS available in the market?

I have found few of them which starts from 299$ here:
flea 3
flir blackfly
flir chamelion

And some High End Cameras also:
Flir Ladybug 3,5,5+(All surrounding Capture)
bumble bee (Stereo Camera)
Tara - USB 3.0 (Stereo Camera)
Nerian Karmin2 (3D Camera)
Nerian SceneScan (3D Camera)

But I want suggestions which are even cheaper than this, Can you suggest few?

Thanks in advance. Cheers!

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https://rosindustrial.org/3d-camera-survey/ - You can find the list of stereo cameras which supports ROS. What is your use case?

We used Intel D415 Stereo 3D camera, it works very good.
You can use this in Open as well as indoor environment.
It is supported with ROS and will be available at lesser price of $150.

May be you consider Raspberry Pi-based stereoscopic camera StereoPi. Iā€™m a developer, and we discussing ROS support with Rohan Agrawal (@rohbotics), raspicam_node author. You can see current discussion here on GitHub: github.com/UbiquityRobotics/raspicam_node/issues/41

Here is how current revision looks like:

To say briefly first tests are Ok, next step is to add stereoscopic driver.


Yes a raspberry pi 3B+ or the Raspberry Pi-based stereoscopic camera StereoPi are easily going to be your most widely available, easy to set up, easy to use options.

The raspberry pi camera is an excellent camera with 8MP, excellent dynamic range as well as a number of supported high speed modes that allow for very high frame rates.

You can download a raspberry pi distribution at downloads.ubiquityrobotics.com which has all the camera drivers and ROS (kinetic) nodes all set up. All you have to do is log in to the pi and run the raspicam node that is already there. Obviously being a raspberry pi this topic can be published over WiFi or Ethernet and basically every kind of interface you could possibly want is there.

The Raspi cam node is open source with a permissive license and is being continuously improved. For example, in addition to the high speed and high res modes already supported, GPU based object tracking will soon be released should that be something you need.

Please download it - try it - and if you want a new feature - code it and issue it as a pull request!

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