Meeting recording (same video on Vimeo below), transcript, chat log.
Thank you so much Joshua for a very interesting talk, and everyone for attending and your thought-provoking questions. Joshua welcomes questions about his presentation on HoloOcean; you can find his email in the chat log.
Marine REP - As mentioned at the end of the meeting (see Agenda for details we didn’t have time to cover), @evan-palmer made a separate post to start a community discussion on the ROS Enhancement Proposal (REP) for marine robots.
The goal is to get a convention stated explicitly in the ROS ecosystem for marine vehicle local coordinate frames (for starters), to avoid confusions that often arise. For example, while the underwater domain uses NED, the ROS convention is ENU. We’ve been discussing with community members offline since we mentioned the REP in the January meeting, and we are seeking input from the community for convergence on a convention most people can stand behind. Look out for Evan’s separate post for more details, and we look forward to your active participation.