Thank you all that have attended to the first maritime robotics WG meeting! In case you weren’t able to go to the meeting, you can check the recording of the meeting at February 2022 Maritime Working Group Meeting on Vimeo. If you want to understand better what we had planned for this meeting, plese check this link first.
I want to give special thanks to @arjo129 @braanan @lindzey @ecg @vschmidt for the presentation they gave about their maritime robotics open source development. If you want to do a quick presentation of some maritime robotics development for the beginning of the next meeting, please contact me or @arjo129 or @T_Fabbri.
If you are interested in contributing with the WG, please fill out this form below. It contains some polls related to some discussed topics, it shouldn’t take more than 2 minutes.
Do you wanna chat in a more dynamic env about the WG? Here is the communication channel for fast interaction.
Do you wanna know the rules, roles, goals of this WG? Checkout the charter repository! It is the repo in the WG organization that defines how we will work, I have an open PR in it. If you have some spare time, please read and comment what do you think is missing, what would you do differently?
That is all! I hope to see you in the element channel and in the nexts WG meetings!