We are back to regular time this month, after a productive technical working meeting last month. (We’ll try to do APAC-friendly time once a quarter.)
When: 2024-02-20T16:00:00Z→2024-02-20T17:00:00Z
Where: Virtual at https://meet.google.com/rqe-tebn-xkf
Calendar event: Google Calendar
Agenda: ROS Maritime Working Group meeting agenda - Google Docs
This month, Joshua Mangelson, the Principal Investigator of HoloOcean from Brigham Young University will talk about this underwater simulator based on Unreal Engine:
“HoloOcean is a realistic underwater robotics simulator with multi-agent missions, various underwater sensors including a novel imaging sonar sensor implementation, easy installation, and simple use. It’s a fork of Holodeck, a high-fidelity reinforcement learning simulator built on Unreal Engine 4.”
(See December Maritime WG meeting for a talk on the ROS 2 bridge for HoloOcean.)
Bring your questions!
As time permits / If we have a critical mass of interested parties, we’ll update on discussions of a potential marine REP (ROS Enhancement Proposal) mentioned in the last meeting, specifically, coordinate frame conventions.
See you there!
Quick links to resources for the WG:
GitHub kanban board
GitHub community
Matrix chat
Google Group (only used to send meeting calendar invites)