Maritime Working Group Meeting Mar 2024: Stonefish

Following last month’s HoloOcean marine simulator talk, we will have another marine simulator talk this month – Stonefish(docs, GitHub, stonefish_ros GitHub) with Michele Grimaldi (Heriot-Watt University), who will tell us about the simulator and its current and future developments.

If you are using Stonefish for your projects, we would be curious to hear what you use it for, your experience, and how it complements other simulators.

When: 2024-03-19T18:00:00Z2024-03-19T19:00:00Z
Where: Virtual at
Calendar event: Google Calendar
Agenda: ROS Maritime Working Group meeting agenda - Google Docs

“Stonefish is a C++ library combining a physics engine and a lightweight rendering pipeline. The physics engine is based on the core functionality of the Bullet Physics library, extended to deliver realistic simulation of marine robots. It is directed towards researchers in the field of marine robotics but can as well be used as a general purpose robot simulator.

Stonefish includes advanced hydrodynamics computation based on actual geometry of bodies to better approximate hydrodynamic forces and allow for effects not possible when using symbolic models. The rendering pipeline, developed from the ground up, delivers realistic rendering of atmosphere, ocean and underwater environment. Special focus was put on the latter, where effects of wavelength-dependent light absorption and scattering were considered.”

We will also update the group on the progress of the marine ROS Enhancement Proposal (REP) effort.

See you there!

Quick links to resources for the WG:
GitHub kanban board
GitHub community
Matrix chat
Google Group (only used to send meeting calendar invites)

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Time change: The time is now updated to 3 hours later than usual, due to speaker availability. Sorry for the change!

The post above and the Calendar invitation have been updated.

Meeting recording (same video on Vimeo below), chat, transcript.

Thank you everyone for coming! Great to see many faces old and new.
Thank you Michele for an informative talk on Stonefish and its future work!
GitHub stonefish, stonefish_ros, stonefish_ros2.

Marine REP - Keep an eye out for a draft PR that @evan-palmer will open in the REP repository soon.

I missed this one– thanks for uploading the recording to vimeo, google drive is a bit annoying for playback.