Maritime Community Group Meeting Apr 2024: ROS-MVP

Following last month’s Stonefish talk, this month, we will have Emir Cem Gezer (@incebellipipo, GitHub) talk to us about ROS-MVP, where MVP stands for Marine Vehicle Packages, published at OCEANS 2022. Its release was announced on Discourse. There is a Stonefish wrapper for it.

NOTE: we will be using Zoom instead of Google Meet, because of a change in the organizers’ meeting recording privileges.

When: 2024-04-16T15:00:00Z2024-04-16T16:00:00Z
Where: Virtual at Launch Meeting - Zoom (*NOTE different meeting link from previous months)
Calendar event: Google Calendar
Agenda: ROS Maritime Working Group meeting agenda - Google Docs

“ROS-MVP is a software stack to control and guide surface and underwater marine vehicles. It contains a control allocation module with a feedback controller to control the vessel and a state-based plugin-oriented mission planner. When it is coupled with the robot-localization package, it provides complete guidance, navigation, and control stack for marine vessels.”

Emir has also been active in the ongoing marine ROS Enhancement Proposal (REP) discussions, in the context of how people juggle different frame conventions to work with non-marine-specific packages, such as localization, in the ROS ecosystem.

We will update the group on the latest progress of the REP, and a few community events.

See you there!

P.S. Oh, right, full disclosure, I have departed from my employment as of Friday, March 29, 2024, as alluded to in last month’s meeting. I no longer work in the Open Robotics team at Intrinsic. Furthermore, I am taking April and May off as full-time me time (i.e. I will only check emails when I have nothing better to do, i.e. not often), before relocating for my next job. So I’m running this Community Group completely on good will now. Soon there will be help coming in (in the shape of @evan-palmer) as I transition.

Quick links to resources for the Community Group:
GitHub kanban board
GitHub community
Matrix chat
Google Group (only used to send meeting calendar invites)

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Is there something special I need to do to get the google calendar event to show up?

I’ve joined the google group, but when I click the calendar link it tells me it can’t find the event.

Oh! Thank you for pointing that out! That’s probably because I didn’t set it up correctly on the new account.

I’ve moved it to a publicly viewable calendar. Could you try the link again? I just updated it. It works for me now. Let me know if it’s creating a calendar event for you!

Its good now. Thanks!

Meeting recording (thank you @evan-palmer)

Thank you Emir for the great presentation and everyone for the lively questions! Sounds to me like this GNC stack complements well the middleware and simulation talks we’ve had in the last few months.

(Sorry I don’t know how to use Zoom :laughing:)