- Melodic in Kinetic
- Industrial_moveit
- Tesseract
- ROSCon
- GSOC recap
- World MoveIt! Day
- Website revamped
Melodic in Kinetic:
- MG recommends having a separate TF publisher
- Robert is using Melodic in Kenetic
- Stomp is useful
- The collision detection has been integrated
- Constrained IK is not building
- Dave proposes adding STOMP to MoveIt!
- This makes sense as all
- The plan is to separate out the STOMP code into a separate repository
- There is a question as to whether ROS-I or ROS-planning will keep the new repository
- Action item: ROS-I folk will discuss internally and get back to us
- Made changes to the planning scene for convex and non-convex hulls
- Managed to use Bullet for collision checking. This is useful for getting accurate signed distances
- Meeting up for dinner friday night
- Lots of work came out of this
- Bryce is interested in picking up where Raghavander left out
World MoveIt! Day
- Dave made a how to guide
- 2 months away
Website revamp
- Feedback: Tutorials link in top bar
- Feedback: It looks like the robot is falling off the Ubuntu box
- Feedback: Install from Deb vs install from Debian