- World MoveIt! Day and MoveItCon 2019
- Master branch and release versions
- Improving Code Reviews
- Pilz’s Cartesian planner and MotionPlanRequest changes
- World MoveIt! Day China
- Michael Görner
- Jorge Nicho
- Gijs van der Hoorn
- Robert Haschke
- Dave Coleman
- Harold Yang
- Adam Alami
- Andy McEvoy
- Isaac Salto
- Joachim Schleicher
- Jonathan Binney
- Mike Lautman
- Nathan Brooks
- Simon Schmeisser
- Will Baker
- Zak Kingston
- Henning Kayser
- Daniel Bakovic
- Ian McMannon
- World MoveIt! Day 2019
- Possible dates: Nov 19 - Nov 21
- ROS-Industrial wants to support WMD
- Not before IROS, since it’s good advertisement
- MoveItCon 2019
- Maintainer meeting earlier?
- Look into workshop at ICRA
- Master branch release
- When melodic API is stable?
- Possible release types
- Debian
- Build Farm
- Open Robotics
- Docker
- Tarball package
- Snap
- Improving Code Reviews
- Not enough reviewers (lack of confidence an issue?)
- Allow faster merging of pull requests
- Maintainers should commit small changes to pull requests branch
- Decrease number of required reviews?
- Label pull requests for better assignment and workload distribution?
- Pilz’s Cartesian Planner
- Cartesian planning using the MoveIt! planning pipeline
- Supports the full MotionPlanRequest specification
- Adds changes the MotionPlanRequest message
- World MoveIt! Day China
- Held by Intel
- Attendees/support from industrial companies and government
- Agenda:
- Morning: Technical presentations and sharings
- Intel open source contributions to ROS2 and MoveIt!
- Intel platform technologies, partner companies and smart manufacturing
- Afternoon: MoveIt! Workshop
- MoveIt! projects and hands on
- Code contributions and working on issues
- Review session
- Morning: Technical presentations and sharings
- Intel funding for MoveIt! 2.0?
- IK Regression in Melodic and Ubuntu 18.04