Meeting Notes
PILZ industrial planning PR
Joachim -
Pilz PR still not merged (#1893), test time is still long
v4hn -
Pilz robot has not been added to moveit_resources pkg
Convert some ros tests to unit tests to avoid roscore overhead?
Joachim -
Will not make further changes to tests (as discussed last mtg) because we might never make progress
moveit_resources refactoring
v4hn -
has made a large PR (#2199), many paths have been changed
could use some help maintaining moveit_resources
there’s almost no reason not to use the original packages, they are mostly copy/pasted into moveit_resources
moveit needs its own copy of some robot configs for testing, does not want to depend on upstream repos
will need to sync with upstream every so often
Henning -
synced with MoveIt1 again
moveit_ros_benchmarks is done (Yu Yen)
Foxy branch is finally functional, feedback welcomed. It is the next release candidate
Some conflicts with urdf_dom, waiting for new release
move_group is ported, PR being reviewed
just a few packages left to port
still working on porting tests, some deprecated headers etc to be replaced
Mark/Tyler -
OpenCV version might need updating
MoveIt2 clang format version
Henning -
still discussing clang format version (6 or 10?)
Andy -
prefer the newer one for better forward compatability
Mark -
who is in favor of 10?
(no dissent from anybody)
Student updates
Jeroen -
Google Summer of Code, Belgian PhD student
working with OMPL interface
implementing a constraint interface
showed some cool videos
goal: replace a hacky patch to prevent joint flips when constraints are applied
the new solution works great in some cases
tolerances of 0 are possible (exact solution)
did some code cleanup too
starting a tutorial
Adam -
Google Summer of Code, UTexas PhD student
made many updates to the ROS1 realtime servo node
has now ported it to ROS2
showed video of realtime servo with a Panda robot, rviz, and fake_joint_driver
now working on porting and adding tests
upcoming features:
split out the jacobian to allow servoing for non-serial manipulators, too (e.g. Stewart platforms)
damped least squares method
v4hn -
a GUI to easily test servoing would be nice
Boston -
a PickNik summer intern
doing grasp planning with deep learning from point clouds
started with DexNet
showed a cool video with a real UR5 grasping a bar of soap
Considering whether to add this to MoveIt Task Constructor [MTC] or an action server / service interface
v4hn -
does not see the need for an action/service interface
prefers an MTC grasp generator stage
MTC has the advantage of running in parallel
Mark -
MTC may make it more accessible
MTC documentation needs work
Melodic release
Tyler -
MoveIt Melodic release coming soon