Navigation Working Group Meeting Minutes - Feb 29
- Steve Macenski
- Josh Wallace
- Marques Rasmussen - Free agent for hire!
- Sayed Sheikh
- Nvidia is a Gold Sponsor of Nav2! Their support makes it possible for Open Navigation to start taking on ambitious development of novel systems again and a nod to the importance of Nav2 in their robotics strategy.
New additions of note:
- Fix to the Simple Action Server to correctly free goal handles (iceuw)
- Fixing a segmentation fault introduced in the last sync when the Smac Planner is provided with single-pointed paths (Karelics)
- Nav2 Behavior Trees, tests, libraries, and such migrated to BT.CPPv4.5 (Davide)
- Adding reactive cancellations of running global planners (Node Robotics)
- Loopback simulator almost ready with work on unit testing
New bugs of note:
- Segmentation fault in binaries of Smac Planner when given single pointed paths, will be updated in next sync
Anything else?
Round Robbin (questions, comments, what youre working on, updates, etc)
- Steve: Completed a TBA new Nav2 Open-Source Task Server to be released in mid-April. Evaluating some MPPI variant’s viability to address search exploration vs. smoothness desires by some users (didn’t pan out, yet). Spooling up metrics and test setups for MPPI performance improvement sprint and preparing TODO list for Jazzy release in only a couple of months to focus on executing on.
- Josh: Expansions create clusters → try Main, I believe this was fixed on-site with Dexory. Omni Smac optimizations for analytic expansions → Still an open ticket.
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