[Nav2 WG] Meeting Notes November 9, 2023

Navigation Working Group Meeting Minutes - Nov 9


  • Steve Macenski
  • Magda Skoczen
  • Marq Rasmussen
  • Sachin Kumar
  • Ryan Friedman
  • Juan Miguel Sequiera De Silva
  • Juan Sebastian Duenas Salamanca
  • Alexey Merzlyakov
  • Ben Perseghetti
  • Siddharth Saha

New people introduce themselves

  • N/A



New additions of note:

  • Added timeout for maximum time to wait while trying to bringup the costmaps due to missing transforms (Bosch)
  • Changing the wait behavior’s type from int seconds to double (maksymdidukh)
  • Reworked PathAlign Critic in MPPI for better path tracking and faster computation (Open Navigation)
  • Properly protect costmap reads in various algorithms missing (Peanut Robotics)
  • Publishing Collision Monitor’s points in zones for debugging (Pixel Robotics)
  • Added sensor timeout watchdog to Collision Monitor so it stops the robot when sensors stop publishing for safety; log only for collision detector (Dexory)
  • Adding a new log with the behavior tree’s tick rate if exceeded desired rate (Open Navigation)
  • Enabling sub-trees in BT Navigator to have shared node, timeout resources on the blackboard
  • Removed use_interpolation parameter from RPP - on by default always now (Open Navigation)
  • Rejecting NaN updates in AMCL (Ekumen)


  • Draft PR to use CostmapUpdates for nav2_msgs/Costmap in addition to nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid to reduce network traffic for CostmapSubscribers (emSko)
  • Adding support for RPP cusp detection with inplace rotations due to Smac Lattice Differential Drive models (Open Navigation)
  • Adding a Vector Object Server to allow insertion of objects into the Costmap (Samsung)
  • Soft real-time controller server to enforce deadlines more strictly for regular controller updates and priority (Open Navigation, Bosch)
  • Various Collision Monitor improvements pending (polygon source, velocity polygon option)

New bugs of note:

  • N/A

Anything else?

Round Robbin (questions, comments, what youre working on, updates, etc)

  • Steve: Smac Planner Shortcutting
  • Alexey: vector object server working on it, costmaps vs occupancy grid
  • Magda: Working on tests and review from CostmapUpdates
  • Ben: Updating to Iron to be closer to main for ackermann updates
  • Marq: MPPI controller faster speed problems → write me up something please
  • Ryan: Twist Stamped
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