New Localization Technique "gmcl" To Replace "amcl"

Hello community,

As a part of my master thesis, I have developed a new package for mobile robot localization - which can replace the amcl in Navigation stack - called general monte carlo localization (gmcl)…you could find more details in the Wiki-page gmcl - ROS Wiki …This package was tested on Turtlebot3 in Gazebo simulator…results showed superiority of gmcl over amcl. You could find results, performance and complexity analysis of amcl & gmcl in paper
(PDF) 📄 gmcl As a Proposed Replacement to amcl in ROS for Mobile Robots Localization in Known-Based 2D Environments
I hope you consider this package in the upcoming ROS releases…Moreover, I am still missing some feedback from the community about any trouble that might encounter ROS users… so please when you have time, try the package.

The package is running now on noetic-release…I would import it to ROS2 when it gets more popular.

Thanks upfront for any feedback


Hi Adler,
congrats for the job! Are you licensing somehow the package ? (i don’t see any license notice in the repository).


Wiki says LGPL. Probably good idea to set this also in the source code @adler1994.


Hello @andreucm ,
Thanks for your comment…just like @vmayoral said GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL ) is used…it is mentioned also in package.xml of the package…

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Hi @vmayoral
Thanks for your comment…Your suggestion would be considered…



Could you please summarize what the difference are compared to AMCL? Not the performance, but what is happening under the hood.


Hello @MatthijsBurgh,
Thanks for your comment…In a nutshell, gmcl adds three more algorithms to amcl and they are (Optimal, intelligent, Self-Adaptive)…moreover the algorithms are programmed to be used in modules so you could implement one, two or all of them (like in figure)…

I hope my explanation is good enough…