First, what a great turnout for the in-person Birds of Feather at ROSCon in Denmark. Standing room only, but that was perfect for some lively, collaborative discussions about using ROS in medical devices… how BoFs should be!
I couldn’t fit everyone in one pic but you can see why we’re grateful to ROSCon organisers to have had the chance to meet in-person!!
The ROS Medical Community is very excited for our next event about PickNik’s hands-on experience using ROS in the space and medical domains.
How do people trust ROS in space? And how can that transfer to the medical domain?
Nathan Brooks, CTO of PickNik, joins us to explain the overlap with PickNik’s goals to use ROS in space and goals of the ROS medical community. Topics covered include a certifiable version of MoveIt!, tools useful in the certification process, and general robotics architecture design for mission-critical systems.
No doubt of equal interest to those new to medical software, right up to med experts curious about robotics in NASA/commercial space, and everyone in between.
2025-02-24T17:00:00Z, virtual
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Also: ROSCon talks on ROS 2 in the medical context
Recordings now available for these ROSCon 2024 talks by community leaders:
- (Keynote) Saving lives sooner: leveraging ROS 2 for end-stage kidney disease by Deanna Hood Keynote: Saving lives sooner: leveraging ROS 2 for end-stage kidney disease with Deanna Hood
- Enabling ROS 2 Benchmarks: A Medical Robotics Perspective by Marco Pedretti and Shashank Sharma Enabling ROS2 Benchmarks: A Medical Robotics Perspective
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next community event!