ROS News for the Week of June 17th, 2024

ROS News for the week of June 17th, 2024

ROSCon France was this week in Nantes, here’s a group shot of the sold out conference!

CVPR was this week. I’ve dropped a list of robotics related CVPR papers below. Pictured above is “GARField Group Anything with Radiance Fields” from UC Berkeley and

Our friends at PickNik have been awarded three NASA SBIR grants for SpaceROS!

After a successful Open Sauce pre-party last Friday I ended up getting a loaner badge for Open Sauce. Here’s a photo dump of robots from the event. Pictured is Kev from Kev’s robots. I am going to try and put together an OSRF booth next year!




Got a minute? :timer_clock:

Why not help us answer a few questions on ROS Discord? You can find a link to ROS Discord and all of our other websites here.

Late breaking update: the next Singapore ROS Meetup is happening Thursday, July 4, 2024 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM SGT so please click that link and RSVP if you can make it!