October Quality Assurance Meeting -- Thursday, October 1st 2020 ๐ŸŽƒ

Hi everyone,

The one or other might remember the ROScan topic I presented in January.

The work results are available now.

Within a small group, we discussing a good way to link the result to the ROS packages.

In short: The easy way would be to create an issue and a belonging pull request to add the license info file for each package.

So this change will have an impact to all ROS packages, and thatโ€™s why we think it is necessary to talk about within the quality assurance working group (QAWG).

My overall question is: How to proceed to coordinate the roll-out of this change?

Is this topic something that needs to be presented and discussed within one of the next QA meetings? If so, I would like to ask for one of the time slots. @Katherine_Scott

Or is there any other/better way to get an โ€œapprovalโ€ from the QAWG?