Open Robotics Infrastructure team community office hours 2022-06-27

As mentioned in last week’s announcement we’re going to hold the first ever Infrastructure team community office hours on Monday next week!

Please submit your questions or discussion topics about ROS or Gazebo Infrastructure using this form.
Submissions must be links to questions which are already on Gazebo Answers, ROS Answers, or in Infrastructure-related repositories on We want to know if you’re planning to attend so we can prioritize submissions based on attendance but you are not required to attend for us to try and answer your questions, time permitting.

Meeting details

:clock3: Date: 2022-06-27T15:30:00Z

:desktop_computer: Place: Virtual at Google Meet

:calendar: Event: ROS events calendar

:spiral_notepad: Agenda: Reviewing questions submitted via this form.

:video_camera: We’re going to record this first meeting but it is possible that we may not publish the recording for the first events while we establish the technical production. I’ll update this thread with a link to the published video or confirmation that it will not be published after the event.

We hope to see you there!


Thanks everyone who joined us yesterday for this first office hours event.

Together we reviewed the following issues and questions:

We do have a recording of the event however due to some technical issues during the broadcast there is some significant editing required before it can be published.

Due to the infrastructure team’s limited availability in July, I think that the next office hours will be in mid-to-late August. Once we have a firm date, I’ll re-open the form for new submissions.

Steven! and the Open Robotics infrastructure team.


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