The Manipulator is dead as the dynamixel-workbench will no longer compile. I wish to alert Robotis that someone is breaking there code by accident or a software attack of some sort?
about 2 weeks ago a downloaded and compiled the Open Manipulator software just fine. With Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic. And it doesn’t look like the github repository has changed in that time. Neither has the dynamixel-workbench. I don’t think it is the Robotis software.
Ill rebuild from scratch just be sure as it just broke this last few days.
I notices my slave arm gripper stopped working and re-compiled and
the workbench failed to compile, what yesterday.
I hope I am wrong and can be red faced about this, as this is not acceptable.
oh heck just got a notice from someone on robot source and he can not compile
after this last upgrade on Ubuntu 16.04 so do I wast 3 hrs or wait for some to pull his head out?
Hi @Lloyd,
We apologize for any inconvenience.
The dynamixel-workbench package is undergoing a build test every time using CI. I tried the rebuild test again and it didn’t have any problems.
If there is a problem, please list the problem and the error message that appears at the time of the build in the GitHub issue below. Our development team will solve your problem.
And I want to say one more thing. Our ROS community ask that you please ask questions on following our support guidelines: Or the issue page of the package in question.
ROS Discourse is for news and general interest discussions. ROS Answers provides a forum which can be filtered by tags to make sure the relevant people can find and/or answer the question, and not overload everyone with hundreds of posts.
Ok but I just got a post from someone else that can not compile after this weekends
ubuntu 16.04 update so.?
Hi @Lloyd,
This ROS Discourse is not the place for QnA. Please post the problem and the corresponding error message to the following issues page or . So our engineers will do our best to help you.
Thank you.