I have registered 40 new packages and updated 48 existing packages in this Sync (for Kinetic 2018-04-04). Most packages are the robot-related software by ROBOTIS such as TurtleBot3(mobile), OpenManipulator(manipulator), ROBOTIS OP3(humanoid), THORMANG3(humanoid), MANIPULATOR-H(manipulator) and RH_P12_RN(gripper) that can be used with ROS.
To be honest, I was worried ‘What kind of error occurred?’, ‘What email will Tully send me?’ every time when I registered a new package. But from this sync, I used ROS Industrial CI. I think it is an essential tool for package maintainer.
Many people are already using ROS Industrial CI, but I still think there are users who don’t know what this is and how to use it. I strongly recommend using this tool if you are not using it. It does not matter whether you are a package maintainer or not. If you use ROS Industrial CI, This makes it very easy to manage dependencies for your ROS package. In addition, various tests can be run in various development environments, so you can find what problems are involved.
Thank you to all the maintainers and I am grateful to @130s, @tfoote, @dirk-thomas for their hard work.
@130s Thank you for your kind advice.