Just saw this from elsewhere online [1], thought folks here would find the cross post interesting.
Also, towards the end of the video, you may recognize some familiar open software.
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Just saw this from elsewhere online [1], thought folks here would find the cross post interesting.
Also, towards the end of the video, you may recognize some familiar open software.
I think the developer is Russian and he made a post below. See the post below. Really cool work.
Yep, chief!
If you look DIY Cheap Lidar OpenTOFLidar - Самодельный лидар для ROS
then do you need more details about this
look big post in russian language https://habr.com/ru/post/485574/
For translate from russian lang. use http://translate.google.com/ or http://translate.yandex.com/
Its poor, but some understand.
…or try https://www.deepl.com/translator for translations in 2020.
What worries me a little bit is the high vibration from the spinning mirror, this should challenge any IMU. Still awesome project though.