Preparing for Noetic Sync 2021-05-24

Hello Noetic maintainers!

Starting now, I will be holding new Noetic ros/rosdistro release PRs with a plan to sync ROS Noetic packages to the main apt repo on 2021/05/24. Please comment here if there are any issues I should know about before performing the sync.

This sync will include a fix for this issue: file conflict when upgrading moveit_ros_planning · Issue #2648 · ros-planning/moveit · GitHub

There are currently 174 packages waiting to sync and no regressions.

The ROS Noetic sync happened, and is tagged as noetic/2021/05/24; however, there is a bug in MoveIt (motion planning stuck after several calls. · Issue #2666 · ros-planning/moveit · GitHub) for which there was a fix ready that I did not see beforehand. That release of MoveIt has been merged and it will be sync’d to the main apt repo as soon as possible.

ros/rosdistro PRs will continue to be held until the buildfarm completes rebuilding the MoveIt packages. This process should take about a day.

The sync is out.

Now is a great time to make releases for the next sync :beers:

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