Preparing for Rolling sync 2021-07-15

There are around 75 packages ready to sync for Rolling and no package regressions. We will plan to sync tomorrow morning unless problems are found in the testing repository packages and reported here.

To report any problems, please open a detailed issue report on the issue tracker for the affected package or packages and reply to this post with links to the opened issues.

It would be great if you could include rcdiscover: 1.1.4-1 in 'rolling/distribution.yaml' [bloom] by flixr · Pull Request #30227 · ros/rosdistro · GitHub as it includes a fix for an otherwise broken ROS installation: package.xml in wrong directory (noetic on focal) · Issue #1 · roboception-gbp/rcdiscover-release · GitHub

Thank you for reporting the issue here. I have merged that release for Rolling. Since it’s a leaf package the buildfarm should take care of the update fairly quickly so we’ll plan to sync once it is through all platforms.

Great. Thanks a lot!

The sync is out!