The time is coming up for the next Rolling sync. After today we’ll hold release to Rolling and, if things look good, sync on Thursday or Friday.
When I opened the sync announcement we were still in a period of heavy rebuild. After the rebuild I did file upstream issues for package maintainers of regressions in Rolling until this afternoon.
As a result, I am going to delay this sync until Tuesday next week. On Tuesday, if the regressions are still outstanding, we will sync with them.
Note ros2_controllers: 3.12.0-1 in 'rolling/distribution.yaml' [bloom] by bmagyar · Pull Request #38023 · ros/rosdistro · GitHub was merged (by me) accidentally during the hold, so it will not have had the time in testing to catch all potential runtime regressions in this and downstream packages.
In a stable distribution, I would be inclined to revert this release in order to guarantee the soak time in testing. But for Rolling, and in the interest of getting an already delayed sync through, I am not going to revert this release unless it introduces a new build regression. Once the build farm has settled, I’ll proceed with the sync.
The sync is out!