Hello everybody!
my name is Antonino Vara. I’m a teacher in a Secondary School in Spain and we want to build a robot. For this, we have thought to use a turtlebot platform. Firstly, we thought to use TB3 but now, due to discontinuing of Joule, we are thinking about using TB2.
Our local authorities are going to get the material we need but, before that, we are doing some texts. We have installed everything and we can control the turtlebot in Gazebo. We have built the map file in a YAML file but now we don’t know how to add this to Gazebo.
I hope some of you can help us. I know we are going to need a lot of help in the near future.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
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Hello Antonio!
Sounds like you are trying to do navigation?
We have a (free) minimal setup simulator tutorial here:
(You should read the earlier pages on how to setup the sim)
Take a look at it, and tear it apart to see how it works.
We also have more general tutorials here:
Best wishes, and good luck!
Ilia B.
Hello @antoninovara 
Thank you for your interest about TB3!
As you said that the sale of TB3 Waffle has ended last year.
However, today we introduce new TB3 called Waffle Pi 
The big difference between Waffle and Waffle Pi is that the main SBC(Single Board Computer) and Camera are substituted with Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Camera.
(More detailed about it, please following Link)
TB3 series provide simple bringup. So secondary school students easily setup and operate it by following TB3 Wiki.
TB3 supports simple examples including interactive markers, obstacle detection, and patrol and advanced examples SLAM, Navigation.
We also already update Waffle Pi in Rviz and Gazebo simulator. You can operate it how it works even on your map (Ref : http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=build_world&cat=build_world)
If you have any information about TB3, please visit our Wiki or www.turtlebot.com
Or Have any question about development with TB3, take a ticket in github issue page.
Best regards