Today, I would like to introduce the video related to SLAM which is the basic function of TurtleBot3.
Even if it is small size, low cost, we will do our best to SLAM and Navigation which is the basic function of Turtlebot brand.
Could you share the associated bag for this video? I think the Cartographer results could be easily improved and we’d be happy to host a TB3 configuration with a demo bag.
We are using a variety of LDS. Typically, these sensors are RPLidar A1 and A2, SICK, Hokuyo.
Also, we have recently found a LDS that is cheaper, but satisfactory in performance. It is in testing.
It will be released soon.
We will support various SBCs for TurtleBot3.
Among them, we will use Raspberry Pi for the basic version of TurtleBot3 and Intel Joule for the premium version of TurtleBot3.
Thank you for your comments, I think that you can get the odometry information from /tf of above bag data.
Actually, we are currently using Gmapping as our main SLAM package. But we will soon change to the Cartographer package. You will need your help.
Odometry is usually provided via nav_msgs/Odometry messages. The /odom frame in /tf is then a product of some node that processes the odometry messages.
We are awaiting the Kinetic version of the cartographer. It is very difficult to install the current indigo version on ROS Kinetic. It is not easy due to the problem of ceres-solver and errors during installation. So we were using the modified package of the link below for ROS kinetic. We are hoping to be able to install the Google Cartographer as binary from ROS kinetic soon.
We’ll work on some documentation for installing from source on Kinetic. But, having a binary release is blocked on having an updated Ceres package for Kinetic. I believe @tfoote is working on that.