QL 2 achieved for the micro-ROS Client related packages!

The OFERA project announces that the RMW for the micro-ROS Client, rmw_microxrcedds, the ROS IDL Typesupport library associated to its underneath implementation, rosidl_typesupport_microxrcedds, and the RCLC, have been recently refactored to comply with the ROS packages Quality Level 2 (QL 2), as established by the Open Robotics REP-2004. This QL is thought for packages which are either on their way to Level 1, or general solutions used by many people, but only rarely used for production systems.

The Quality Levels defined in the REP-2004 enforce guidelines for evaluating package quality for both maintainers and consumers.
Package maintainers can then establish, and document accordingly, their own specific policies addressing how their packages achieve a given QL.

The fundamental justification for these packages to be considered as to be of QL 2 is summarised in the documents below:

The rationale for carrying out this assessment stems, among others, from the recent incorporation of these packages into the ROS Common Packages, as defined in the ROS REP-2005, which formally demands that a ROS Common Package comes with an associated QL.

Together, these achievements significantly upgrade the positioning of the micro-ROS packages into the ROS 2 galaxy as first-line players!

Stay tuned: a complementary assessment is foreseen in the very near future for the micro-ROS Agent, too!