[REP-2014] RFC - Benchmarking performance in ROS 2

My first read of the feedback hinted that there’re some good points in here, but also lots of bias which don’t serve the best interest of the ROS 2 community.

I would encourage everyone to be proactive and constructive while thinking about these matters from a ROS perspective. After all, we’re writing a REP. Try bringing your thoughts to REP-2014 with suggestions that can be easily reviewed so that we can find consensus and advance with the document.

There’s no real argument in here that I can grasp other than “remove tracing”. Against this argument, there’s relevant [1][2][3] (led by community members) prior work which demonstrates how low-overhead tracers are a great fit for robotics and ROS. Also, one must note that the ROS 2 core stack (rmw, rcl, rclcpp) is already instrumented with tracers, so following the same only makes sense.

Finally, note also that tracepoints can be set outside of the “entity under test”. You can set your tracepoints in publisher/subscribers/(other abstraction) outside of you algorithm and use that approach to perform benchmarks. This is similar to the argumentation I’ve been making about using functional data from a system (extracted from the ROS graph) and land that into the trace file for functional performance benchmarking. Both are technically possible and likely, a better choice than using other tools.

My experience benchmarking while developing acceleration kernels and mixing accelerators is that often the case you’ll want additional visibility into the dataflow, and that’s wherein the tracing approach shines as a means to benchmark.

I think there’s merit in this input but I’m a bit biased (e.g. we have various accelerators which are opaque such as ROBOTCORE Perception or ROBOTCORE Transform, but then, as hinted in past HAWG meetings, this can easily lead to people over architecting for benchmarks whereas transparency may rule that out) and I’d love benchmarking in alignment with REP-2014), so I’d like to hear more community feedback about it.

I think we could design instrumentation so that both opaque and transparent tests can be made. One way to go about this may lead us to extend the section in REP-2014 as follows:

         Probe      Probe
         +            +
         |            |
+--------|------------|-------+     +-----------------------------+
|        |            |       |     |                             |
|     +--|------------|-+     |     |                             |
|     |  v            v |     |     |        - latency   <--------------+ Probe
|     |                 |     |     |        - throughput<--------------+ Probe
|     |     Function    |     |     |        - memory    <--------------+ Probe
|     |                 |     |     |        - power     <--------------+ Probe
|     +-----------------+     |     |                             |
|      System under test      |     |       System under test     |
+-----------------------------+     +-----------------------------+

          Functional                            Non-functional

+-------------+                     +----------------------------+
| Test App.   |                     |  +-----------------------+ |
|  + +  +  +  |                     |  |    Application        | |
+--|-|--|--|--+---------------+     |  |                   <------------+ Probe
|  | |  |  |                  |     |  +-----------------------+ |
|  v v  v  v                  |     |                            |
|     Probes                  |     |                      <------------+ Probe
|                             |     |                            |
|       System under test     |     |   System under test        |
|                             |     |                      <------------+ Probe
|                             |     |                            |
|                             |     |                            |
+-----------------------------+     +----------------------------+

         Black-Box                            Grey-box

    Probe      Probe     Probe             Probe                     Probe
    +          +          +       +-------+                          |
    |          |          |       |                                  |
+-----------------------------+   | +-----------------------------+  |
|   |          |          |   |   | |                             |  |
|   | +-----------------+ |   |   | |                             |  |
|   | |        v        | |   |   | |                             |  |
|   | |                 | |   |   | |                             |  |
|   +->     Function    +<+   |   +>+                             +<-+
|     |                 |     |     |                             |
|     +-----------------+     |     |                             |
|      System under test      |     |       System under test     |
+-----------------------------+     +-----------------------------+

            Transparent                           Opaque

I like the ideas in here and we should find a way to include them in REP-2014. I don’t think we wan’t to remove the possibility of testing from live, as this seems to be a required feature by some maintainers (e.g. @smac). Favouring consistency of the input data in benchmarks via rosbags makes sense to me.

+1 to these two, but they seem to me a benchmark-implementation aspect more than anything else. Maybe worth mentioning it in the text? I’d be happy to review contributions.

  1. ros2_tracing: Multipurpose Low-Overhead Framework for Real-Time Tracing of ROS 2 | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore ↩︎

  2. [2204.11778] Analyze, Debug, Optimize: Real-Time Tracing for Perception and Mapping Systems in ROS 2 ↩︎

  3. [2204.10208] Message Flow Analysis with Complex Causal Links for Distributed ROS 2 Systems ↩︎

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