Request for creation of a German (speaking) ROS User Group

Dear all,

I would like to propose a “German” (speaking) ROS User Group. As entry into the rather complicated topic of ROS first time users might have some initial questions that might be easier to post in mother tongue. Furthermore there might be topics only of interest for German audience (e.g. issues with German regulations on travel costs)

Germany has always been in the Top 5 of ROS user locations (see metrics reports). German language is also being spoken in Austria, Switzerland (partly), and other regions (details here). German is a native language to almost 100 million people worldwide and the most widely spoken native language in the European Union.



For the ROS logo we can suggest either the German flag or a version with the Swiss Cross and the Austrian flag incorporated.

What do you think? What kind of logo do you prefer?

  • Logo for German (:de:) user group ROS
  • Logo for German speaking (:de: + :switzerland: + :austria:) user group ROS

0 voters

[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]

Again, there’s Belgium as well :grin:

Colors still match though

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Really @ThiloZimmermann? I thought all Germans could understand Dutch?

You could just join the ROS Dutch Users Group creation instead :wink:


I know and I thought we could make the middle red dot also a belgium flag, but what about the Danish German speaking minorities then, and so on…

Can’t we just make an EU users group that communicates in Esperanto? :wink:


We like to talk german language, independently from any location.
Everybody is welcome.
So the logo is for language.

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+1 for that. Would be really nice.

Wäre auch daran interessiert. Vielleicht gibt es auch mal ein Treffen im Raum Hannover/Braunschweig.

Here is one without any nationalities in it :wink:

What you expect from ze Germans: The infamous article, ridiculouslylengthyword, …


I would like to propose a Quenya speakers’ user group category. :wink:

And Klingon, too. We must not be seriesist.

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Und nu ?

wie geht es jetzt weiter ?

And now ? Keep it simple and talk about ROS.

Ich habe da ein paar interessante Themen, die ich gerne zur Diskussion stellen wuerde.

  1. ROS2 for beginners, starting with Gazebo Simulation, like TurtleSim do.
    ROS2 macht richtig Spass, aber die Einstiegshuerde ist nicht ganz ohne…

Mal eben Dolly starten und Erfahrungen sammeln ist mit einigen Huerden verbunden… ich hab nicht mal eine deutsche Tastatur…

Wer hat Lust Dolly von Chapolina auszubauen und eine einfache Anleitung fuer Schueler und ROS2-Einsteiger zu erstellen ?
Dolly ohne Kamera ist nicht wirklich spannend, lasst uns ein paar Sensoren hinzufuegen und schon ist diese einfache, aber tolle Simulation fuer viele ROS2-Neueinsteiger eine interessanste und spannende Herausforderung…

Let’s start ROS2 and have fun


Can I get a final call on the image for the German language group? I have no dog in this fight but I think this could be a viable option:

Here’s what I need to make the group happen:

  • A name slug, like “ROS German User Group”
  • A short description in both English and German. Y’all probably don’t want me running it through google translate.

Dear @Katherine_Scott,

I think we just use the one that 70% agreed on:

Here’s what you need to make the group happen:

  • name slug: “ROS German User Group”

  • short description in both English and German:

    Welcome to the German group. The objectives of this group are to promote events, projects and news related to open-source robotics in German speaking areas and / or to German speaking people. You’re welcome to chat here, regardless of your level of knowledge of ROS. This group is open to all German-speaking people to show the importance of our community within the ROS community.

    Willkommen in der deutschsprachigen ROS-Nutzer-Gruppe. Ziel dieser Gruppe ist es, Veranstaltungen, Projekte und Neuigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit Open-Source-Robotik zu fördern. Ihr könnt hier gerne chatten, unabhängig von Ihrem Kenntnisstand über ROS. #GernePerDu
    Diese Gruppe steht allen deutschsprachigen Menschen offen, um die Bedeutung der deutschsprachigen Entwickler- und Nutzer-Gemeinschaft innerhalb der ROS-Community darzustellen.

That would be a great idea. We should also think about the integration of a powerful translator like I use it a lot to translate complete emails from german to english.
It has a commercial API we can use but maybe we get a free access for non profit use :D. It is by far the best translator I know.

In this way every ROS user can read the contributions of all local groups what I definitely would appreciate.

It looks like you can also use it for free via the API from some requests:

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Here is the ROS German category:

:smile: :de: :robot:

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