Request for creation of a ROS group of Italian-speaking users

Dear all
As we have discussed with some users and students of Italian language robotics, we would be thrilled to propose
the new group foudation to have a common space to support teaching activities and open source projects in Italian language that could be identified with Italian-speak User Group.
We also have an headquarter at G-tronic robotics in Padua where you can organize meetings and didactic training.

This is the blurb for the group:
Benvenuti nel gruppo ROS discourse in italiano, Questo gruppo ha come obiettivo la promozione didattica nell’ambito della robotica open source, lo scambio di esperienze e la programmazione di eventi inerenti il mondo di ROS. Non è necessario avere una conoscenza precedente. Questo gruppo è aperto a tutte le persone di lingua italiana, con l’obiettivo principale di portare Robot Operating System e le tecnologie associate alla robotica al maggior numero di persone in tutto il pianeta.

Hi Romeo,

We’re always happy to support new language specific groups. Generally we need three things:
(1) A critical mass of users (please let us know if this group interests you).
(2) A description of the group in English and Italian (similar to this).
(3) A logo image, feel free to get creative. (example)

Also, I am going to bump @fmrico and @rbonghi to see if they are interested.

Ciao Romeo,

Siamo sempre felici di supportare nuovi gruppi di lingue specifiche. Generalmente abbiamo bisogno di tre cose:
(1) Una massa critica di utenti (facci sapere se questo gruppo ti interessa).
(2) Una descrizione del gruppo in inglese e italiano (simile a questa).
(3) Un’immagine del logo, sentiti libero di essere creativo. (esempio)

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Thanks @Katherine_Scott, but I am from Spain :sweat_smile:


My bad, I thought you presently working at an Italian University, or at least I seem to recall that the Nav2 videos were shot at an Italian University? I could also be completely wrong about all this. Also it is really hard to introduce people when you haven’t seen another real person in like nine months. :sob:


Hi @Katherine_Scott

You can count on me! I’m Italian in this case :smiley: My friend @fmrico is invited on the Italian channel if he wants :smiley:


I’m in :slight_smile:

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Un piacere :wink:

What I really want is visiting Italia again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hello everyone, I have already set the description of the group and I have posted the request, I am trying to contact other users to form the group, thanks to all for the collaboration.
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Me too :slight_smile:

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I’m in too. Let’s start this group :+1:

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Grazie, spero possa essere una iniziativa fruttuosa per tutti.

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I’m here! :wink: … ottima idea!

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I didn’t see our Italian logo and I draw this new one


Todo list:

  • Dream team ready
  • Description ready
  • Logo done

Bravo Raffaello, grazie… mi sembra giustamente appropriato!

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Raffaello, thank you ... it seems rightly appropriate.


Alright, I think I set this up correctly. Enjoy!

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Perfect, I really believe that this group can also be useful to those who, like me, still have some problems with the English language and, in any case, can aggregate a large number of Italian users who together can share good experiences with Robot Operating System . I thank everyone for their cooperation.

I spent all morning dealing with ROS Answers, by that standard your English is magnificent. :joy:

Super @Katherine_Scott

Thank you! :partying_face: :partying_face:

Grazie per l’iniziativa. Io leggo l’inglese tecnico ma poter parlare in italiano è molto meno faticoso. Tutto questo nonostante il mio nome, ma sono uno dei casi di nascita in un Paese anglofono (nel mio caso Australia) per poi essere importato in Italia da piccolo, molto piccolo, tanto che avevo imparato solo a piangere in inglese… :slight_smile: E poi per varie vicissitudini mi sono reso conto di non avere chance da poliglotta con qualità accettabile.