🎉 rmw_zenoh binaries for Rolling, Jazzy and Humble

Hi @smac,

A configuration for using the router to avoid peer-to-peer discovery

This is actually the out-of-the-box configuration in rmw_zenoh. All discovery traffic is limited to peers in the same host but routers between hosts can be bridged to extend discovery (and transport) across multiple hosts. There’s a little bit of information here and the ROSCon talk/slides is a useful reference to understand the topology in rmw_zenoh.

A configuration for setting to use local host only to not leave the machine (does it respect ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY?)

Again, this is the default configuration in rmw_zenoh. We do not respect dynamic discovery envars yet but there is a ticket to address this .

What the default config looks like for reference

The default configs for the router and session (every ROS context) is found here. These are adapted from the upstream Zenoh config for the topology we’ve adopted in rmw_zenoh.

A configuration doing some of the more advanced settings like setting TCP/UDP transport, configuring buffer sizes, shared memory, etc.

This draft PR aims to add documentation that goes over different ways rmw_zenoh/zenoh can be configured.
In the meanwhile, this repo which was used for a workshop in ROSCon 2024 can serve as a useful reference!
Feel free to add suggestion to that ticket!