Robotic Humanoid hand

Here i move the finger only per manual control, thats why its so slow and not in one-move. You can move it as fast as the servo is. Here you can see how it moves :slight_smile: Like i said, a little deep learning would be good, if someone knows a implementable code, please let me know

Tipps for deep learning would be nice. I can tell, that i got 8 force values, and 8 values (negative and positve) for 8 servos to control speed. Also i could use a video-stream from the finger as input.

As output the best would be a regression-output of 8 different values for each servo. But nearly every neural net is a classification net, and then i would need nearly endless outputs for every speed and every servo, also it could be that more than one servo is moving at the same time, so i would need even more classification outputs ?