Hi everyone !
I want to introduce to you a project I’ve worked on by co-funding the startup Niryo. We have built a 3D printed 6 axis robotic arm powered by ROS, in order to bring accessible robots for everyone.
We use a Raspberry Pi 3 board inside the robot, with Xubuntu for RPI and ROS kinetic. Some packages we are using : Moveit!, rosbridge, joy, … The Raspberry Pi 3 mainly runs ROS, communicates with a microcontroller (Arduino) to control the motors, and communicates with the outside through rosbridge.
For ROS community, we have thought that it would be nice to learn ROS, or test industrial use cases directly on a real robot, for less than 1,000$. That way many people can have an industrial-like robot at home, and schools/universities can get low-cost robots for education/research purposes.
We’ve just launched a Kickstarter campaign for the robot Niryo One. I invite you to visit this page to get more info about how we use ROS (there is a complete part about it if you scroll a little bit) and what are our motivation.
All the ROS stack + firmware + STL files will be released on github on September (which is also the Kickstarter shipment date). We will also provide a complete set of written/video tutorials to learn ROS with Niryo One.
I am introducing this project to you to get some feedback from ROS users, so we can make the robot better. And if you wish to support us, that would be even greater !
We also have a blog post on our website explaining how we use ROS on Niryo One, you can find it here.
Feel free to ask any question, or make any suggestion ! Thank you.