Hi @Vanessa_Yamzon_Orsi and @gbiggs , thanks a lot for your clarification.
Yes, you are right and we know it. The title of the episode is on purpose because that is what the community is saying: many ROS developers understood that Google bought ROS
. That is the message that reached many of the ROS developers I talked out there.
That is why we want to do the podcast, to clarify this misconception. In the podcast script we have included the explanation of why those two statements in the title are wrong: first, is not Google but Intrinsic the one involved in the acquisition; second ROS is not acquired since it remains part of OSRF.
Please give us some room to make the correct message arrive to people. For that we need to do some movements. We know how to educate people.
The podcast title is not done with the aim of generating controversy or clickbait. It is done with the opposite aim, to make the community understand that it is not correct, so they should stop saying that. Also to understand the possible implications of the acquisition.
You may be thinking, how is it possible that people understood that Google bought ROS!? We explained it quite clear in our communications!
. For the same reason that very few people understands the organization of Open Robotics (with Open Source Robotics Foundation, Open Source Robotics Corporation, Open Source Robotics Corporation-SG. By the way, we explain also that organization on the podcast):
we are robotics developers and we don’t care that much to all those things. We are concentrated on making the robot DO ACTUAL THINGS. So those details about organizations, acquisitions or who is in charge of what escape to many of us and we just simplify the message in order to move forward fast.
Then, that is the main reason we are doing this episode: to clarify that those statements of the title are incorrect. We will try to do it in a different way rather than the posts, questions and IEEE interviews released so far, so we can send the message to people in a different way. May be, in this way we will be able to clarify a few other people understanding of the situation.
I hope you support us on that.