ROS News for the Week of July 15th, 2024
The next ROS By-The-Bay is scheduled for 2024-08-02T01:00:00Z. I’ve lined up a fantastic visiting speaker, Prof. Florian Pokorny from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, for this month’s event. Prof. Pokorny’s and his team are behind the fantastic work at
We also have two other ROS events happening this week:
My colleague @quarkytale has organized a Women in Robotics event featuring female open source robotics developer for July 30th at the Intrinsic offices. We would love to see you there!
MoveIt for ROS 2 Jazzy is out now and available on an apt server near you!
ROSDoc2 Now Available Now in Apt and PyPI! If you are a package maintainer please, please, please regularly set aside some time to update your documentation. The post above includes documentation on how to write good ROS documentation.
Our friends at Autoware have announced their 2024 challenge. There is over US$25K in prize money for contributions to the project!
- 2024-07-23 ROS Meetup Barcelona
- 2024-07-24 ROS Meetup in Austin Texas
- 2024-07-29 => 2024-08-02 IEEE RAS Multi-Robot Summer School Prague
- 2024-08-30 Celebrating Women in Open Source Robotics @ Intrinsic
- 2024-08-01 ROS By-The-Bay: Cloud Robotics
- 2024-08-05 Autonomous Systems Bootcam at Univ. Deleware– Video
- 2024-08-08 Improving Robot Uptime Webinar
- 2024-08-16 => 2024-08-17 Ubucon Latin America
- 2024-09-07 Silicon Valley Robotics Robot Block Party
- 2024-09-16 F1Tenth @ IEEE Smart Mobility
- 2024-09-18 Foxglove Actuate San Francisco
- 2024-09-19 ==> 2024-09-20 ROSCon Spain
- 2024-09-25 ROSConJP
- 2024-10-22 → 2024-10-24 AgRobot FIRA in Sacramento
- 2024-10-23 → 2024-10-25 16th International Conference on Social Robotics +AI
- 2024-11-02 → 2024-11-03 ROSCon China in Shenzhen
- 2024-11-6 → 2024-11-7 ROS-Industrial APAC Summit
- 2024-12-03 ROSCon Germany
- Autoware Challenge 2024 Announcement
- New Cow Robotics Facility in Wisconsin
- NASA Cancels VIPER Moon Robotics Mission
- What does hiring Digit Cost?
- Forward X Launches Two Mini AMRs
- Near Earth Autonomy Testing with US Marines
- Standard Bots Raises $63M
- Hadrian Brick Robot in the US
- Robot Dog Cleans up Beaches in Italy
- OpenNERF: OpenSet 3D Neural Scene Segmentation with Pixel-wise Features and Rendered Novel Views
- Synthetic Training Data using Blender – Source Code
- OpenCV CVPR Paper Review
- RoboCup Eindhoven Video from @fmrico
- The World’s Tallest Autonomous Robot Has No Name
- Imitation Learning with Additional Constraints on Motion Style using Parametric Bias – Video
- All CVPR 2024 Tutorials
- KiCad 8.0.4 Released
- MoveIt for ROS 2 Jazzy
- Human Detector for ROS 2
- How does the odometer act in mobile robots like Limo?
- 3 New and 18 Updated Packages for Noetic
- 9 New and 92 Updated Packages for Iron Irwini
- 62 New 255 Update Packages for Rolling
- Running Multiple Tests in Parallel with Colcon Test
- ROSDoc2 Now Available Now in Apt and PyPI
- Feedback Requested: Messages for AI Prompting
- RMW / Wifi Performance Testing for Images / Point Clouds
- Exploration RRT Package
- Gazebo Actor Plugin
ETH-Zurich Payload-aware Trajectory Optimisation for Non-holonomic Mobile Multi-robot Manipulation with Tip-Over Avoidance – Video
- Red Rabbit Open Hardware Humanoid Repos
- ROS 2 package for 3D LIDAR SLAM using NDT / GICP registration and pose-optimization
- Enhancing Human-Robot Interaction with ROS 2: Implementing Human Pose Estimation and Following in NVIDIA Isaac Sim
- Hand Gesture Control for NVIDIA Isaac Sim Robot Control: Leveraging Gesture Control in Industrial AMRs
- GLIM: versatile and extensible range-based 3D localization and mapping framework
- How to Write C++ Subscriber and Publisher Nodes in ROS 2 Humble from Scratch
Got a minute? 
We just added ROSDoc 2 to the ROS apt packages.. If you are a package maintainer please make sure your package renders on using this documentation. If your package isn’t on ROS Index consider taking the time to add it.