The release date for ROS 2 Iron Irwini is getting closer. As we traditionally announce the name of the following distribution when a new distribution is released, it’s time to begin brainstorming the name for the ROS 2 J-Turtle release.
Here are the existing ROS 2 names and code names.
Ardent Apalone - ardent
Bouncy Bolson - bouncy
Crystal Clemmys - crystal
Dashing Diademata - dashing
Eloquent Elusor - eloquent
Foxy Fitzroy - foxy
Galactic Geochelone - galactic
Humble Hawksbill - humble
Iron Irwini - iron
And here are the ROS 1 names and code names.
Boxturtle - boxturtle
C Turtle - cturtle
Diamondback - diamondback
Electric Emys - electric
Fuerte - fuerte
Groovy Galapagos - groovy
Hydro Medusa - hydro
Indigo Igloo - indigo
Jade Turtle - jade
Kinetic Kame - kinetic
Lunar Loggerhead - lunar
Melodic Morenia - melodic
Noetic Ninjemys - noetic
To get your namestorming going, here are some useful lists:
Usually we provide more starting points from websites listing turtle species but our other previous resources do not list turtle species starting with J. Feel free to browse the whole list of common and scientific turtle names and make some suggestions. Please share your suggestions and comments. There are no rules to this process so be creative!
Why the double names btw? I’ve only seen ROS distros referred to by eg Kinetic, Foxy. No one ever mentions the Kame or rep. Fitzroy ever again, it seems.
Other J-adjectives:
Jocund Jainemys
Jurassic Jainemys (Since the Jainemys species is extinct according to Wikipedia, but not sure if they lived in the Jurassic period)
Jellied Jainemys (I guess they all are by now :-/. Maybe I’m being Juvenile now though)
Point of order: the Jalisco thing got me thinking, can we use adjectives in a foreign language? A Jalisco mud turtle with a Spanish adjective would be pretty cool. For example, “Jaranero Jalisco” would be an interesting change of pace (translation: Party Turtle from Jalisco). Another good one would be “Juicioso Jalisco”. Any Spanish speakers want to weigh in?
Second point of order: Can robots name robots? (Sorry, t had to be done)