ROS 2 log system meets rsyslog and FluentBit

Hi ROS users and developers,

I would like to introduce ROS 2 new rcl logging implementation rcl_logging_syslog :exclamation:

rcl_logging_syslog uses SYSLOG(3) to send the log data to rsyslog a.k.a rocket-fast system for log processing :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

The main objective is that

Enabling ROS 2 logging system with Cloud-Native Log Management and Observability .

See how it works here :fire:

If you are interested, please take a look at more details for GitHub - fujitatomoya/rcl_logging_syslog

Comments, Contribution are always welcome :smile:

Happy logging!



Some updates for GitHub - fujitatomoya/rcl_logging_syslog: rcl_logging_syslog is alternative logging backend implementation that can be used for ROS 2 application via rcl_logging_interface. :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

ROS 2 logging data goes to Grafana Monitor via rsyslod, Fluentd and Loki.

                   |                                                |
                   |   +---------+                                  |
+--------+ 514/udp |   |         |                                  |
| client +------------->         |                                  |
+--------+         |   |         |                                  |
                   |   | rsyslog |                                  |
+--------+ 514/udp |   |         |                                  |
| client +------------->         |                                  |
+--------+         |   |         |                                  |
                   |   +----+----+                                  |
                   |        |                                       |
                   |        | 5514/tcp                              |
                   |        |                                   http/3000
                   |   +----v-----+  +----------+  +------------+   |  +-----------+
                   |   | fluentd  +-->   loki   +-->  grafana   +------>  Browser  |
                   |   +----------+  +----------+  +------------+   |  +-----------+
                   |                   http/3100                    |

I am still working on the following. if you are interested, please feel free to reach out to me :smile:

  • Unit tests (colcon test) / github workflow
  • Jazzy, Iron and Humble support
  • Docker Container support



Quick Update:

GitHub - fujitatomoya/rcl_logging_syslog: rcl_logging_syslog is alternative logging backend implementation that can be used for ROS 2 application via rcl_logging_interface. now supports jazzy, iron and humble.

Be advised that because of [FR] select the logger implementation without rebuilding ยท Issue #1178 ยท ros2/rcl ยท GitHub, it needs to be built with rcl package.

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