ROS News for the Week of August 26th, 2024

ROS News for the Week of August 26th, 2024

We need your help testing the next Gazebo release! The Gazebo Ionic Test and Tutorial party kicked off this week. We need all of our Gazebo users to take a moment and test the pre-release binaries. We’re offering our top ten testers free Gazebo swag. :tshirt:

The ROSCon Birds of Feather session sign up sheet is now live. If you and your friends want a dedicated time and space to meetup we recommend you organize a session.

:rotating_light: FINAL REMINDER: 2024-09-03T07:00:00Z is the last day to get discounted ROSCon early bird registration.

This Thursday, 2024-09-05, we’ve got a ROS By-The-Bay Meetup planned. Our ROS and Gazebo summer interns will be presenting and we’ll have a really exciting talk about integrating microROS with microPython.

As of this week all active ROS 2 versions have binary packages for the MOLA 3D LiDAR odometry, mapping and localization package. This is some fantastic work and worth checking out.

This week @tomoyafujita introduced an rsyslog backend for ROS logging. Not only is this new backend :rocket: rocket fast, it is also super easy to integrate with a bunch of cloud log management systems.




Got some time this weekend? :mantelpiece_clock:

We need your help testing the next Gazebo release! It shouldn’t take you more than an hour to run a Gazebo test, and it really helps us make sure Ionic is ready to go!