ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes: 2021-02-18

ROS 2 TSC Meeting Agenda - 18 Feb 2021

ROS 2 TSC Contribution Report - 18 Feb 2021.pdf (106.1 KB)

  • Attendees
    • Lokesh Kumar Goel - LG Electronics
    • Brian Gerkey, Kat Scott, William Woodall, Chris Lalancette, Louise Poubel, Geoff Biggs, Tully Foote - Open Robotics
    • Dave Coleman - PickNik Robotics
    • Aaron Blasdel, Emerson Knapp - Amazon (AWS RoboMaker)
    • Will Son - ROBOTIS
    • Ian McMahon - Toyota Research Institute
    • Kyle Fazzari - Canonical
    • Tomoya Fujita - Sony
    • Andrei Kholodnyi, Wind River
    • Nick Fragale, Rover Robotics
    • Steve Macenski - Samsung Research
    • Jaime Martin Losa - eProsima
    • Jilada Eccleston - TierIV
    • Joe Speed - ADLINK
    • Dejan Pangercic, Lyle Johnson - Apex.AI
    • Karsten Knese - Bosch
    • Jerry Towler - SwRI, representing GVSC
    • Sean Yen - Microsoft
  • Preliminaries
    • [Gerkey][1 min] Please remember to fill out your contribution report at the bottom of this document prior to the meeting.
    • [Eccleston][2 mins] Announcement from Tier IV
  • Old business
    • [Gerkey][2 mins] Update on ROS trademark application
    • [Gerkey][5 mins] Reminder on charter amendments that were made; and call for help on study group on managing future membership growth.
      • Study group will be:
        • Brian
        • Joe
        • Nick
        • Jaime
        • Aaron
  • New business
    • [Pangercic][20 mins] Presentation: “How Apex.AI certified ROS 2 according to ISO 26262 standard and what challenges remain ahead for the adoption in the automotive industry”
    • [Speed][2 mins] IAC university teams adopting ROS 2 …
  • Recurring business
    • [clalancette] ROS 2 Galactic update
    • Working groups [5 mins each]
      • [Knese] Control
        • Mainly focused on stability and testing. Gazebo_ros2_control is available,making it easier to port more robots and provide more demos.
      • [Speed] Edge AI
        • last two meetings skipped because no agenda items from WG members … and F1TENTH move to ROS 2, Indy Autonomous Challenge
      • [Martin Losa] Embedded
        • New Attendance Record: 25 Participants!
        • New ports and transports (ESP32 w/ ethernet -only WiFi and serial supported before-; Arduino Portenta H7; STM32 Nucleo F446RE; Raspberry Pi Pico)
        • micro-ROS Rolling release (alignment w/ ROS 2 Rolling, i.e., latest ROS 2 version)
        • Experimental support for Mbed OS in Rolling
        • New features (continuous fragment mode, refactorization of external transports, Client-to-Agent ping mechanism)
        • Presentation by Wyca: Elodie robot & micro-ROS (first case of micro-ROS usage in production-level system)
        • Discussion & short presentation by Ralph Lange (Bosch): CAN transport support for micro-ROS?
      • [Coleman] Manipulation
        • World MoveIt Day: we’re prepping first-timer issues and discussion sessions for the event
        • Focus of WMD this year is moving to MoveIt 2 and translating tutorials to MoveIt 2
        • MoveIt registered for GSoC again this year
        • Hybrid planning architecture complete for MoveIt2
        • Lots of issues with continuous integration continues for MoveIt 1 and MoveIt 2
        • Roadmap for MoveIt 2 features being finalized and will be posted soon
        • Struggling with ROS 2 build system, testing framework, and other limitations in finalizing MoveIt 2
      • [Macenski] Navigation
      • [Andrei Kholodnyi] Real-time
        • Carlos replaced Dejan as a co-chair
        • Create a roadmap for this year and align it to the ROS2 roadmap
          • The idea here is to create a description for the ROS2 RT setup, including Ubuntu 20.04 based RT kernel configuration and ROS2 middleware related RT setup
        • HW availability - Joe Speed told us that the lab has been moved to the new location and the next step would be to allocate HW for the tests
          • RTWG farm in ADLINK’s new 75,000sq ft San Jose Lab
          • now setting up network / firewall for RTWG access
          • arm64 - 32 core, replacing w very high core count ROS controller in May
          • arm64 Jetson AGX Xavier ADLINK ROScube-X
          • amd64 - i7 or Xeon, possibly IAC racecar AD computer
      • [Biggs] Safety
        • Although usage of our software is growing, WG participation has stagnated at just a few people.
        • Kat has offered to help out marketing the WG, so will coordinate with her.
      • [Fazzari] Security
        • MoveIt2 demo held on Jan 12, Robotics Middleware Framework demo held on Jan 26 (thanks for your support!)
        • ros2 launch --secure will be implemented as an extension for ros2 launch. ros2/launch_ros PR 216 implements the plugin framework and could use reviews; osrf/ros2launch_security PR 1 implements the launch --secure extension.
        • Following the demos, the Security WG is exploring using RMF to explore certificate management issues (e.g., revoke a certificate from a compromised robot in a fleet to remove it from the ecosystem). Also considering using MoveIt to create granular security policies for a single robot (e.g., allow rviz a read-only view for remote monitoring of a robot arm).
      • [Blasdel & Knapp] Tooling
        • Held breakout session on rosbag2 reindexing
          • Making progress on implementation, core functionality nearly complete. Implementation coming from DCS contributor Jacob Hassold who has been joining the meetings
        • Started public conversation about fast-forwarding Foxy rosbag2 to get performance updates contributed by Robotec.AI and Apex.
        • rosbag2 compression is now plugin-based - users can provide alternative implementations or install no compression implementation at all
        • Nice action-ros-ci usability updates - largely from Christophe Bedard
        • Ongoing discussion about deduplicating ROS 2 CI systems, compared ros-tooling, Industrial CI, Nav2, MoveIt, OR Jenkins
        • GitHub - ros-tooling/ros-github-scripts: Utility scripts to ease management of GitHub projects for ROS / ROS 2
      • [Woodall] Middleware
        • Continued discussion about network flows
          • Fast DDS Support already available
        • Continued work on Events Executor pull requests
        • Discussion of service reliability
        • Discussion about new RTI maintained rmw implementation for Connext
        • ContentFilteredTopic W.I.P.