ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes: 2021-04-15

ROS 2 TSC Meeting Agenda 2021-04-15

ROS 2 TSC Contribution Report - 2021-04-15.pdf (146.2 KB) (revised 2021-04-20)

  • Attendees
    • Open Robotics - Chris Lalancette, Brian Gerkey, Geoff Biggs, Louise Poubel, William Woodall, Tully Foote
    • Apex.AI - Dejan Pangercic, Lyle Johnson
    • Toyota Research Institute - Ian McMahon
    • eProsima - Jaime Martin Losa
    • Samsung Research - Steve Macenski
    • ROBOTIS - Will Son
    • Amazon - Emerson Knapp (Aaron Blasdel out today)
    • PickNik - Henning Kayser
    • Intel - Harold Yang
    • ADLINK - Joe Speed
    • SwRI - Jerry Towler (representing GVSC)
    • Wind River - Andrei Kholodnyi
    • Rover Robotics - Nick Fragale
    • LG Electronics - Lokesh Kumar Goel
    • Sony - Tomoya Fujita
    • iRobot - Alberto Soragna, Lenny Story
  • Preliminaries
    • [Gerkey][1 min] Please remember to fill out your contribution report at the bottom of this document prior to the meeting.
    • [Pangercic/Johnson][2 mins] Rep update
      • Lyle Johnson replacing Dejan Pangercic as Apex.AI’s TSC rep
      • Gerkey to update rep in the various places
  • Old business
    • [Gerkey, et al.][15 mins] TSC Membership updates
      • Generally positive feedback received from TSC on the recommendations
      • Specific concerns about details on the 1 FTE enforcement change, including the process for adding items to the roadmap
      • Next step: Gerkey to work with same small group to pursue the recommendations, resulting primarily in various charter amendments
  • New business
    • [Soragna][20 mins] Update from iRobot
      • Content confidential to TSC
    • [Karsten][2 mins] Status on “community members” for the TSC
      • Community representatives on the TSC (minutes 2020-05-21)
      • “Community member” might be misleading, TSC members are representing communities as well :slight_smile:
      • What about having academia being officially represented? University, non-profits or research institutes could apply with less restrictive rules (<1FTE).
      • [Gerkey] This item is captured by the earlier item on membership updates.
  • Recurring business
  • Update docker container for the kernel build to support multiple architectures

  • Roadmap

    • Documentation
    • Buildfarm
    • Testbench
  • Build Farm: Create a POC locally. Re-use

  • [Biggs] Rust

  • [Biggs] Safety

  • [Faber] Security

    • Discussed upcoming Galactic feature freeze, no significant updates. Also discussed test updates based on a recent regression.
    • Security logging plugin update: ability to log to text file; also WIP to log directly to the DDS graph. Enabling logging implies the writer needs to be provisioned automatically to write to the logging topic. The security logging topic has some characters not allowed in ros topics; in order for logging to be exposed in the ROS graph a bridge node may be required.
  • [Knapp] Tooling

    • Rosbag2 general
      • now has Reindex command to regenerate metadata for bagfiles that have lost it (thanks Jacob Hassold!)
      • now can playback bags with leaked “Infinity” values from RMW implementations in any RMW implementation, using new RMW_DURATION_INFINITE
      • Changing Player and Recorder to be rclcpp::Node with the aim of being able to expose control services, and launch as components with parameters (thanks Karsten!)
      • New design discussion ongoing: bag forward-and-backward compatibility, storing message definitions in the rosbag for easy analysis when message type libraries not installed
    • Rosbag2 playback time control - to be released in Galactic:
      • design finalized
      • now can publish to /clock
      • has the ability to pause, resume, and change rate (will be exposed to an interface within by end of week)
      • in progress: jump to arbitrary time, and play-next-while paused (by Apex.AI contributor Michael Orlov - thanks!)
      • upcoming: use-sim-time to have playback controlled by an external time source
    • Rosbag2 Foxy backport
      • Final feature set has already been reached because backporting latest feature dump will be infeasible. Will decide which commit it is and make steps toward releasing before the next TSC meeting
    • GitHub CI Actions:
      • Some stability improvements, especially on Windows (thanks Christophe Bedard!)
    • Worth considering adoption of new to-be-created topic_tools package, which will build on GenericPublisher/Subscription