ROS 2 Visualization Tools for Architecture

Hello everyone,

I was wondering what kind of visualizations tools do you use or are aware to see the architecture of a ROS 2 system?

For instance, if you would like to see the connections between nodes and topics (e.g., I know that rqt can show that), visualize messages flow, parameters, or even documentation.

Thank you!


I’ve worked on a tool for visualizing the flow of messages* between nodes over time (and more):

(* and support for service requests/replies was just merged: ros2/ros2_tracing#145, eclipse-tracecompass-incubator/org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator#127)


I guess you need tools like rqt_graph?

ros2/ros_network_viz (
Introducing ros2_graph - General - ROS Discourse
ROS diagram tools - ROS Projects - ROS Discourse
New visualization for ROS 2 systems: Call for datasets - General - ROS Discourse
iwatake2222/dear_ros_node_viewer: Dear RosNodeViewer: Visualize ROS2 Node Graph (

there are also many other TUI/CLI Tools rather than GUI that can help you inspect the runtime arch of ros2 system.