Dear all,
I would like to let you know about the European H2020 research project agROBOfood:
#agROBOfood is an EU funded project aiming to build a European ecosystem for the effective adoption of robotic technologies in the agri food sector, which in turn will become more efficient and competitive. The heart of the project is formed by Innovation Experiments, organized and monitored by Digital Innovation Hubs. In 7 Regional Clusters, Initial Innovation Experiments will demonstrate robotics innovations in agri food, in a manner that ensures replicability and wide adoption across Europe. Digital Innovation Hubs will support companies in digitization by connecting various stakeholders. agROBOfood already connects the world of Robotics and Agriculture, R&D and business by establishing a sustainable network of Digital Innovation Hubs. The network already counts 49 Digital Innovation Hubs and 12 Competence Centers and it will be extended and strengthened during the project. In addition, agROBOfood will launch “Open Calls” through which it will attract and fund additional Innovation Experiments and Industrial Challenges. A total of €8 million will be allocated for the direct benefit of SMEs through “Open Calls”.
Here is a little talk I gave at ROS-Industrial Conference 2019 in Stuttgart where I highlighted our plans to establish a stronger European ROS community in the agricultural and food processing domain:
Feel free to contact me here on Discourse, via email or phone (see contacts on my software engineering and system integration group of Fraunhofer IPA site)
Best regards,