ROS India Summit 2023 Survey


Rigbetel Labs and Acceleration Robotics have previously held the ROS India Summit in Pune and ROS developer meetups in Delhi, Bangalore and Pune respectively. The events were a great success with 800+ registrations and 400+ attendees including the presence from companies like Anscer Robotics, Peer Robotics, Flo Mobility, Bosch, AMD, einfochips and researchers from premier institutions like ARTPARK at IISc , IIITH and COEP.

We are excited to announce that we will now be partnering to hold a larger ROS Summit in the third quarter of the 2023. The goal of this summit will be to foster a strong robotics community of students, developers, companies and researchers by providing an avenue for knowledge sharing and collaboration.

In line with this, we would urge you to fill the 2 minute survey for us to gain better insights into how we should be organising such an event.

Link to the survey :


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