Local User Groups
ROS Spanish Users Group Bienvenidos al grupo de ROS discourse en español. Este grupo tiene como objetivo promover eventos, proyectos y noticias relacionadas con la robótica de código abierto. Les invitamos a compartir, aprender, interactuar y conocernos. No es necesario tener conocimientos previos. ROS Russia Users Group The ROS Russian Users Group is for Russian language discussion of ROS topics. Welcome to the group for answers to questions in the Russian language! Chat for online communication https://t.me/rosrussia ROS Dutch Users Group Welkom bij de Nederlandse ROS Gebruikersgroep. We welkomen iedereen in deze groep die in Nederland woont of naar onze meet-ups kan reizen. Er komen vaak mensen uit België en andere landen, dus iedereen is welkom. ROS Ukraine Users Group Це сторінка для дискусій і оголошень групи ROS Ukraine Users Group. Зокрема тут можуть публікуватися різні події пов'язані із ROS в Україні і світі.Офіційна сторінка групи ROS Ukraine Users Group ROS Poland User Group Welcome to the Poland group of the ROS community. ROS Korea Users Group 대한민국 ROS 유저 그룹 (ROS Korea Users Group)의 ROS 공식 Discourse 카테고리입니다. ROS의 관한 내용이라면 자유롭게 한글로 이야기를 나누실 수 있습니다. ROS Brazil Users Group Bem vindo ao grupo do Brasil para discussão de assuntos relacionados ao ROS e robótica em geral. O objetivo desse grupo é divulgarmos os eventos e noticias que são relevantes para o nosso ambiente local, sinta-se a vontade para fazer postagens em português. Italian Users Group Benvenuti nel gruppo ROS discourse in italiano, Questo gruppo ha come obiettivo la promozione didattica nell’ambito della robotica open source, lo scambio di esperienze e la programmazione di eventi inerenti il mondo di ROS. Non è necessario avere una conoscenza precedente. Questo gruppo è aperto a tutte le persone di lingua italiana, con l’obiettivo principale di portare Robot Operating System e le tecnologie associate alla robotica al maggior numero di persone in tutto il pianeta. ROS German User Group Welcome to the German group. The objectives of this group are to promote events, projects and news related to open-source robotics in German speaking areas and / or to German speaking people. You’re welcome to chat here, regardless of your level of knowledge of ROS. This group is open to all German-speaking people to show the importance of our community within the ROS community. ROS India Users Group Welcome to the ROS India Users Group. ROS Francophone Users Group Bienvenue dans le groupe francophone. Ce groupe a pour objectifs de promouvoir les événements, les projets et les actualités liés à la robotique open-source. Nous avons déjà eu la chance d’avoir des événements pour parler de nos différents projets utilisant ROS et j’espère que d’autres suivront. Je vous invite à venir discuter ici, quel que soit votre niveau de connaissance de ROS. Ce groupe est ouvert à toutes les personnes francophones pour montrer l’importance de notre communauté au sein de la communauté ROS. ROS United Kingdom Users Group Welcome to the UK ROS Users Group! The aims of this group are to organise meetups and workshops, and to promote projects in the exciting field of robotics. This community welcomes individuals based in the UK, striving to extend the reach of ROS and related robotics technologies globally. Our primary objective is to foster a lively open-source community of roboticists within the UK while making these technologies accessible to a broader international audience. ROS Japan Users Group 日本のROSユーザグループ(ROS Japan Users Group)のカテゴリです。ROSに関するどんな話題でも、日本語で話がしたい方はこちらをご利用ください。 ROS China Users Group hi China roser, China is the greatest robot market in the world , we have all kinds of robots , from sky to sea , we have thousands of robot developers , we have tons of robot information to exchange and share , as a result , We hope there is an active ros group , we can express any good idea about robot developing and ROS open source software , come on , let us join the great ROS community