I hope this is a good place to ask this. I tried to ask it first in answers.ros.org but was not able to post it as it checks the following criteria before submitting a new question: At least one of the following tags is required : boxturtle, cturtle, diamondback, electric, fuerte, groovy, hydro, indigo, jade, kinetic, lunar, melodic, noetic, r2b3, ardent, bouncy, crystal, dashing, eloquent, foxy, galactic, rolling, ros1 or ros2
And I haven’t had that
Any how:
Does any body knows if Day2 recordings (or slides) of ROS-Industrial Conference 2022 is already available somewhere?
We are working on the videos right now and are hoping to have them online until end of the month.
Which talks are you most interested in? I might be able to fix you up.