ROS Mapping and Navigation Robot Build with Nvidia Jetson Nano

Hello Everyone…

Recently I started learning ROS and I was able to do a differential drive robot build with 2D Mapping with Gmapping and 3D mapping with RTAB-Map with Microsoft Kinect v1 with Nvidia Jetson Nano. So I’m here to share my experience with you… I posted a video on youtube of the build i did. I named it NavBot.

Check this out…

So i was able perform SLAM with Gmapping and i had to build gmapping from the source as it is not updated for ROS melodic. I added gmapping source package files into my project git so it will be easy to use. I used Differential drive controller from ROS Control to get odometry.

Here is the Link to project GitHub repository

If i visualize 3D point Clouds in Nano, It seems to get stuck so i did visualizations in my laptop connected to ROS master running on the Nano. Other than that everything worked fine.

So if you are doing a similar build, I think this will help and if you having problems related to this, Please comment it here i’m really happy to help.



Hey! Could you guide me on how to configure it? Thanks!

Help me a little bip here!

Nano can be used without external PC for making the map?

On Raspberry PI only getting the rosbag is really doable

Hello, what driver you used for the kinect? in my case openni for melodic didnt produce managable point clouds and after searching i found that openni in melodic doesnt work with arm processors,
freenect didnt compile in melodic
so i used docker and it work…