ROS News for the Week of July 26th, 2021.
Meet Pupper, the absolutely adorable miniature, legged, ROS robot β Source Code
The Indy Autonomous Challenge vehicle completed its first autonomous driving lap.
- 7/31/2021 Reddit Robot Showcase with Keynote by Open Robotics CEO
- 8/7/2021 - 8/13/2021 ROS Summer School in China
- 8/10/2021 MD&M Conference Panel: Interoperability to Increase Robot Adoption
- 8/18/2021 ROS Industrial AP Workshop
- 9/21/2021 DARPA SubT Final
- 9/14/2021 PX4 Dev Summit
- 9/16/2021 ROSConJp
- 10/5/2021 ROS 2 with Elixir
- 10/16/2021 Self Racing Cars Bay Area
- 10/21/2021 ROSCon is Back!
- Blue Ocean, Fetch on The Robot Report
- TRI 2021 CVPR Keynote
- Indy Autonomous Challenge First Lap
- 3D Printing Cyclodial Drives
- Mark Roberβs Record Breaking Domino Robot
- New Robotics Accelerator in Boston
- Side By Side Comparison of ZED Depth Cameras
- DepthAI Pose Module
- Animal Pose Detection
- Olympic Basketball Robot
- Polimove Wins Indy Autonomous Challenge Simulation Race
- Weekly Robots 153
- Blender Pipeline for Photorealistic Dataset Generation
- New OpenCV AI Jobs Board
- Beach Litter Robot
- Robot Brains Podcast β AMP Robotics
- Agility Robotics Runs a 5k
- F1Tenth IROS Grand Prix Registration
- Autonomy Fail
- Marketplace Podcast on Space Robots
- Apex.Autonomy 1.4 Release
- JetMax Mini ROS Robot ARM Kickstarter
- Mobile Autonomous Coating Application For Aircraft Sustainment
- Cute little legged ROS robot β Source Code
- July Ignition Community Meeting Video
- TurtleBot 3, Unity, and ROS2 (Japanese)
- New Elephant Robotics AGV + Arm β Runs ROS
- ROS 2 Foxy Drivers for Doosan Robots
- AWS Robomaker WorldForge - now with more doors
- Introduction to MoveIt Servo
- Integration Service now supports QoS
- GAAS β VTOL and Drone Autonomy Controller Based on ROS
- 52 New and 44 Updated Packages for ROS Noetic
- Clearpath Jackal Robot Supports Noetic
- Automatic Multilayer Welding from Fraunhofer
- ROS 1 Vs. ROS 2 β Overview for Developers
- Webots R2021b Released
- Swerve Steering Discussion
- TALK: ROS 2 + Zero Copy